The awkwardness of visiting the hairdresser

How to make a haircut even more awkward

Do you enjoy going to the hairdresser (or barber)? Do you like waiting and pretending to browse outdated magazines that you never would have bought for yourself? And once it’s your turn, how much do you appreciate the small talk while someone is ripping dead cells from your head?

I don’t. Nothing of that is enjoyable. Especially not the part where the strands of dead genetic material (short hair) finds it’s way to the cracks and irritates your skin for the rest of the day (unless you take a mid-day shower). 

Over the years I maybe had half a dozen or so genuinely nice conversations with the staff. It’s partly my fault as I’m sometimes not long enough in one place to have the same hairdresser every time. 

But recently it got more awkward

The local barbers, after they do the usual cutting off the hair, will place towels on your head and neck. Then they give you a neck massage. And wipe all over your face several times. They even invade your ears in an attempt to remove all the small hair that ended up there.


But I have an idea how to fix it – for good: I will get a hair clipper, set it to 2 millimetres and cut everything myself next time. This way I’ll avoid that invasion of private space.

